Ministry of Agriculture Encourages Business Actors to Strengthen Introduction of Indonesian Cocoa Products
Solok, August 13, 2023— In accordance with the direction of the President Republic of Indonesia, increasing the added value and competitiveness of Indonesian plantation products must be encouraged. This is intended to give smallholder cocoa farmers the opportunity to compete in the international market.
The Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, said that one of the plantation commodities that has high economic value and export market potential is cocoa. The government encourages strengthening the development of cocoa plantations and developing downstream cocoa derivative products.
One of the processed cocoa production business actors who has succeeded in building the image of their products is PT. Indonesian Islamic Asset Management with Minang Kakao. This chocolate product is well known to the public. In fact, this company achieved a sales turnover of around 1.1 billion rupiah in one year.
PT. Indonesian Islamic Asset Management is also building a partnership with the Saiyo Farmers Group, Selayo, Solok District, West Sumatra. Farmers who are members of these farmer groups receive training related to good cocoa cultivation and providing better market access.
Afdhal Alisar, Co-Founder and General Manager of Minang Kakao, said that the Directorate General of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture has an important role in building the image and marketing of Minang Kakao. "We are grateful to the Ministry of Agriculture, especially the Directorate General of Plantation, for supporting the building of the image and marketing of Minang Cocoa products at local and international events," said Afdhal.
Afdhal also explained that Minang Kakao products are made from premium cocoa beans which have gone through a fermentation process to give off a strong aroma and distinctive taste. He also added that the processing of the product's raw materials does not use additional chemicals.
Afdhal said that he has been in the business of developing cocoa processed products since 2017. And until now, Minang Kakao has also developed various other types of processed cocoa products such as butter, paste, chocolate powder, and various variants of chocolate bars.
According to the Director General of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nur Alamsyah, Indonesian plantation derivative products have enormous potential. So, it is necessary to build image, confidence, quality assurance and pride in plantation derivative products in Indonesia. "A strong product image will make our plantation products easily recognized and have added value in local and international markets," said Andi Nur Alamsyah. (CSP/AV)